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Buy one of the last available tickets now!

We are reopening registrations for the last few tickets with the so-called "on-desk" fare. Please buy your tickets as fast as possible. You are still in time to be part of the greatest Python event of all Europe!

Ticket Types

Select the ticket type you are eligible for:
Standard Ticket Lite Ticket Daily Pass
Prices are 21% VAT included
All conference days (July 1st to 7th) Yes Yes  
Access for a single day     Yes
Access to talk voting Yes Yes  
Access to talks (1st-5th July) Yes Yes Yes
Access to Coding Sprints (6th-7th July) Yes Yes Yes
Access to Poster Session (1st-5th July) Yes Yes Yes
Access to Helpdesks (1st-5th July) Yes Yes Yes
Full access to Hands-On trainings (1st-5th July) Yes   Yes

NOTE: Students are individuals that are less than 30 years old on January 1st 2013, and are currently enrolled in a school or university. We will require students to bring a printed paper that demonstrates their status at the registration desk.

NOTE: Personal fares are reserved for individuals, and cannot be used by companies. Invoices will indicate that the ticket is not tax deductible.
NOTE: Company fares allow for full tax deduction. Italian 21% VAT will always be included in the invoices because of European VAT regulations (article 53 of Directive 2008/8/EC), and will need to be fully paid (even by companies in the EU area); in most countries, VAT can be recovered when filing tax return forms.
Registrations are open!
Book your ticket now!

Refund policy

All conference tickets and PyBarbecue tickets are fully (100%) refundable until June 16th. After June 16th, refunding is not allowed, no exceptions. Hotel rooms are not refundable after May 31st (see hotel concession rules).

Special grants

Google is offering grants for female computer scientists, read all the details.

The price of the ticket includes:

A chance to vote the talks to choose your own schedule

By registering before the end of the voting process, you'll have the chance to vote the submitted abstracts and give your contribution to the final schedule of the conference. Register now to be able to vote!

Lunch & Coffee Breaks

1 buffet lunches and 2 coffee breaks per day are offered during the conference, from 1st to 5th. Coding Sprints are not served by hotel catering.

Free Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi Internet Connectivity is available during all conference days; you'll be able to use it with your laptop, mobile phone or other mobile devices. There will also be some free (as in beer) computers for the conference crowd.

Recruiting Session

The special recruiting session is meant for people looking for a new job can get in touch with the sponsors of the conference that are looking for new developers.

On-site 35% discount for books from O'Reilly catalog

Thanks to a special convention, a stand with books edited by O'Reilly will be present, and will sell at a special discount (off the retail price). It's a unique chance to fill those empty slots in your bookshelf!

T-shirts, Gadgets & Prizes

Every partecipant will receive the official T-shirt of the conference (we have multiple sizes) and some more gadgets offered by our sponsors. Some sponsors could decided to give away some of their products, so we decided to have a lottery to give them to you.

Our Sponsors
Python Experts
SSL Matrix
Wanna sponsor?