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Talk voting

What it is

Community voting allows all EuroPython attendees to take part in the voting process, which ultimately decides which of the talks submitted during the Call For Proposals will become part of the schedule.


Community voting is open to anyone who bought a ticket, and completed the payment before the end of the voting process-

NOTE: potential speakers who submitted a talk proposal will be automatically granted access to the community voting.

When & How

Talk voting begins on Friday, March 8th 00:00:00 CET and ends on Friday, March 15th 23:59:59 CET. Please keep in mind that these are CEST times (UTC+1), so your own timezone could be different.

To cast a vote, you must login on the website and access the Voting section. For each talk, you will be able to cast a vote between 1 and 10 "stars" (including half-stars). The algorithm to collect the votes and decide the winners will be fully published at the end of the talk voting (including source code and anonymised voting data).

NOTE: Talks that are left without a vote will be automatically assigned a "minimum/worst" vote, given your own voting range. We assume that, if you didn't vote something, you don't like them. If you are worried about this default behavior, just vote all the talks.


Votes are cast on all talk proposals submitted during the Call For Proposals, divided into three categories: talks, trainings and posters.

It should be noted that, in addition to these, the schedule will host anyway the sponsored talks (carefully screened by organizers on the technical level, to avoid bare commercial and/or advertisement talks) and invitation talks, presented by important international speakers explicitly invited by organizers to attend EuroPython.

To simplify things, sponsored and invitation talks will not be subject to community voting.

Finalizing schedule

At the end of the community voting, organizers will gather to finalize the schedule, following the preferences expressed by the attendees.

It's impossible to determine the number of available schedule slots in advance, because that number depends on how many talks will have the "keynote" status (and will therefore be held in the main room, with no other talk in the same slot), and on how long each talk will last (there are three possible durations: 90", 60", 45").

Obviously, during the finalization of the schedule, best placements will be given to talks that were most successful during the community voting.

Buying multiple tickets

If you buy multiple tickets with one account (e.g. a company buying ticket for two of its employees), you can allow each person to join the community voting simply by assigning the tickets to each one. Just edit your tickets, select the option "This ticket is for someone else", and insert the e-mail address of the person that will be using the ticket. Once this person receives the ticket and confirms it, he will be automatically granted access to the community voting.

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