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How DISQUS does "it" when "it" isn't Django

DISQUS is the largest* django app out there. But we aren’t 100% Django.

In scaling our realtime architecture we have refined our ability to develop and launch services that are not in our main django app. This talk will be a deep dive into a few components and techniques that came out of the development of our realtime system.

Lessons we learned include:

  • running a python service oriented architecture, and will show a lot of code (that you will be able to use!) to help you do the same.
  • Why I like queues more than RPC.
  • Idempotency for fun and profit.
  • Separation of concerns makes deployments faster and smaller.
  • Doing one thing well is better than doing two things kinda ok.

Tech I will talk about:

  • kafka and rabbit, why do we have two queues in our system?
  • zookeeper and how we use it to keep our services in sync.
  • DISQUS can’t get enough of nginx! how we are replacing core services with (superfast) nginx modules.
  • realtime data isn’t just for our front end product anymore, how we use storm and s3 to get realtime stats on all of the data that DISQUS generates in a day.
  • we are somehow webscale without using node or mongodb.

*From a sample of looking at only DISQUS.

in on Tuesday 2 July at 11:15 See schedule


  1. Gravatar
    Do you have some slides on your presentation?
  2. Gravatar
    Not yet, but I can make an outline if that would help.
  3. Gravatar
    I would really appreciate it! Thanks!
  4. Gravatar
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60 minutes (inc Q&A)

Tagged as

web realtime mongodb zookeeper scalability django celery optimization gevent concurrency performance
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