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Emanuele Palazzetti

Emanuele Palazzetti

Software developer, open source supporter, Android lover and Python enthusiast
Technical interests
best-practices, REST, django, android, java, arduino, javascript, flask, postgresql, embedding, web, python-for-android, linux, scm, nosql
Perugia, Italy
Evonove srl
Job title
Software developer
Company web site

Quick Bio

I'm a software developer but, first of all, a fan and supporter of everything that turns around computer science. I love Python and Java (mainly cause I'm an Android lover) and that lead me to take part as an active user on many associations like LUG. I work at Evonove as a web application developer with Python language. I'm also an Android developer even if it's not for work purpose but just for my personal pleasure.

Emanuele Palazzetti’s Talks

Speed up your Django apps with Jython and SPDY
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Python Experts
SSL Matrix
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