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pytest - rapid and simple testing with Python

by Holger Krekel for

The py.test tool presents a rapid and simple way to write tests for your Python code. This talks introduces some common testing terminology and basic pytest usage. Moreover, it discusses some unique pytest features for writing unit- or functional tests. For unit tests, the simple Python “assert” statement is used for coding assertions. As of 2011, this assert support has been perfected for Python 2.6 or higher, finally removing what some people have formerly called “magic side effects”.

For writing functional or acceptance tests py.test features a unique depdendency injection mechanism for managing test resources. The talk shows how to setup these resources and how to configure it via command line options. In 2011 and 2012, QA folks from Mozilla and Redhat QA people endorsed pytest citing its unique features and the general customizability. The talk concludes with a look on other features like distributing test load and other recently released plugins.

in on Tuesday 2 July at 15:30 See schedule


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